Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day

On today this amazing crazy full moon valentine's day, im taking time to honor and feel the deep love i receive from humanity and the earth and to reflect it back out at every particle i can reach. 

thank you to everyone who has ever smiled at any one or anything
thank you to those that love those that need it most 
thank you to the "angels" for their subtle and not so subtle guidance and presence. 

thank you to my family, my friends, my facebook community, my colleagues at work, anyone that has ever let theKarmaCollective into their thoughts and hearts - your energy is with me always and our force as a unit is releasing love into all of each other throughout all of time and space.

thank you x 7 Josh Kruse for being the rock I deserve, cherish, honor and respect

thank you to myself for all the love and support

thank you to the alignment of time and space to allow this love to flow through me and through those around me.

2/14/2014 in the Age of Aquarius is about love for all - no matter who they are, what they have done, where they come from, who they know - everyone is worthy of knowing unconditional love.

We really can bring about love in the world on a scale that is bigger than before. We have the capacity to receive it now. We have the capacity to understand that our choices affect the entirety of creation, not just ourselves and our bubble of life. By reacting always with as much compassion we can find, we release our negative karma cycles and bring about a swing in a positive direction. Imagine where technology and humanity can go when we apply principles of love and compassion to all beings. We start from above the ground and ascend into the fabric of our multidimensional existence.

To the universes and all they contain, I say: I LOVE YOU. Happy Valentine's Day.

This page made me smile and tear up and I loved each photo - random acts of love and kindness will never get old. 

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